Important InformationImportant Information

Important Information

List of Open/Closed Branches as on 22.07.2022

List of Branches Having Drop Box Cheque Collection Facility

Branches Open for Ehsaas Relief Program

List of Cash Deposit Machines (CDMs)

List of Branch Network as of 31.12.2021

SBP FAQs on Relief Package for Household and Businesses

SBP FAQs on Refinance Scheme for Payment of Wages and Salaries

Contact Us

Please contact us using the information given below depending on your query:

Corporate Customers-

Please reach out to your Relationship Manager for further assistance

Consumer Banking-


Islamic Banking


SME Helpdesk-


Prime Minister’s COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fund -2020

We are proud to lead the way forward to power the Prime Minister’s COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fund -2020
See Contribution Details

WHO FAQs on Corona Virus

Customer Advisory

State Bank Updates On Corona Virus

Safety Advice for Customers and Employees While Visiting the Branches

We Care – Precautionary Measures

SBP Measures to Ease Policies for Consumers

Ehsaas Emergency Cash Programme 2020

Fraud Awareness

Stay Informed and Stay Safe

We Care For Your Safety and Convenience

Bank Alfalah Cash Deposit Machines

Bank Alfalah Payroll Financing

Frequently Asked Questions for Branch Banking

Frequently Asked Questions for Consumer Financing

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